Everything you should know about constipation!

🌞In Ayurveda day  starts with the early morning bowel movement and if you are having one a day, every day, then you don’t need any detox. 🌞Proper daily bowel movements are essential for good health. If you are not having daily bowel movements, or your stool is not as it should be – it’s tooContinue reading “Everything you should know about constipation!”

Vadi- healthy, easy and fast to cook, creative version of lentils.

🌻Vadi or Mangoodi is famous food item specially in North India. 🌻They are lentils dumplings which are easy and fast to cook, yet  they are light and highly nutritious in contents. 🌻Lentils are essential part of meal and these vadis are creative version of lentils as it gives new flavour to regular ingredient since AyurvedaContinue reading “Vadi- healthy, easy and fast to cook, creative version of lentils.”

Jujube – fruit of winter!

☘️Ber or jujube fruit is a seasonal fruit of India. ☘️It is easily available in the market during the winter season. It is not an expensive or famous fruit like apple and some people may not have eaten this simple fruit till date, but it is full of good properties. ☘️Shabari had offered the fruitsContinue reading “Jujube – fruit of winter!”

🤔Why we crave for sweet and heavy food in winter?? and is it ok to have them??

❄️In India, winter season time  lots of traditional sweets are prepared like different kinds of laddoos, halwa, chikkis etc😋 ❄️ But now as  people become more ‘health conscious’ and think that these foods are heavy and may cause weight gain, then why our ancestors use to prepare these special seasonal recipes ?? ❄️Actually these recipesContinue reading “🤔Why we crave for sweet and heavy food in winter?? and is it ok to have them??”

Nitya sevaniya ahara ( food that can be taken regularly)

🌻In Ayurveda to maintain health and to prevent diseases lot of importance is given to food. Read Ayurvedic rules about eating food 🌻Some foods are suggested to be used on  daily basis to protect health. 🌻These nitya sevaniya ( daily consumable) food are nutritive and at the same  time they are balanced. 🌻They have 6Continue reading “Nitya sevaniya ahara ( food that can be taken regularly)”

Why even after eating healthy food and eating on time food is not getting digested and suffering from digestive issues??🙄

👉Other than quantity and time of food consumption there are few other factors which effects digestion of food. 1.Sleep😴- if you stay awake late night or whole night, if you wake up late in morning , if you sleep in afternoon then this will affect digestion negatively. So if you are doing or having anythingContinue reading “Why even after eating healthy food and eating on time food is not getting digested and suffering from digestive issues??🙄”

Few useful remedies to cure chapped lips.

Chapped lips 🌸 Everyone wants pink and soft lips but sometimes they cracked and not look beautiful, even hurts specially in winters. 🌸Health of your lips mirrors the overall health of your physiology. 🌸In Ayurveda text Madhav Nidan there is special section  about diseases of the lips where different kinds of doshic and toxic imbalancesContinue reading “Few useful remedies to cure chapped lips.”

Know the external and internal uses of Mustard.

🌺Mustard is used worldwide in food . 🌺In Ayurveda it is used both internally and externally there are mainly 2 varieties white and brown both have almost similar properties. 🌺It is light to digest, bitter and pungent in taste, penetrative and hot in potency. 🌺It is rich in dietary fibers , minerals vitamin ( A,C,K,BContinue reading “Know the external and internal uses of Mustard.”

Divine herb tulsi, know why and how to use it.

Tulsi 🌱 🌱Tulsi means which is incomparable or  no one is like it, it is  so true for this small, beautiful and sacred plant. 🌱In India tulsi is not just a herb it is considered as goddess, it is there  in every home and temples. 🌱Tulsi is so special in Indian culture that without tulsiContinue reading “Divine herb tulsi, know why and how to use it.”

Cholesterol is very important for health!

👉As soon as someone’s blood report comes with high cholesterol levels first thing they do is stop all the fat from diet including ghee as high cholesterol level increase the risk of heart attack but unfortunately by stopping good fat you are not doing any favour to your body. 🤔So we should not stop fatContinue reading “Cholesterol is very important for health!”

एसिडिटी के कारण और इससे बचने के उपाय।

🔥 अम्लता या सीने/छाती में जलन (Acidity or Heartburn) 👉 अम्लता, एक साधारण पाचन समस्या की तरह लग सकती है जिसे व्यापक रूप से विज्ञापित अम्लत्वनाशक (Antacids) द्वारा आसानी से नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है। 👉लेकिन जब यह समस्या लंबे समय तक लगातार बनी रहे और व्यक्ति इसके लिए रोजाना अम्लत्वनाशक (Antacids) लेता हो तोContinue reading “एसिडिटी के कारण और इससे बचने के उपाय।”

शरद ऋतु में जुखाम  क्यों होता  है?

गर्मी के अंत में वातावरण में अग्नि या गर्मी अधिक होती है और इसलिए हमारे शरीर में या अग्नि या पित्त के मुख्य स्थान पेट में पित्त बढ़ जाता है इस उच्च पित्त के कारण अधिक मीठे रसीले फल, मिठाई, ठंडे और भारी चीज खाने की इच्छा बहुत बढ़ जाती है और इनके सेवन केContinue reading “शरद ऋतु में जुखाम  क्यों होता  है?”

🤔Why we get cold in autumn season?

👉 At the end of summer agni or heat is high in environment and so in our body, stomach is main site of  fire or pitta in our body due to  this high pitta  craving for more sweet juicy fruits, sweets, cold and heavy thing go out of control and suddenly you are  sick withContinue reading “🤔Why we get cold in autumn season?”

सोयाबीन,राजमा ,छोले सबके लिये उपयुक्त नही है,क्यों?

🌷आयुर्वेद मे दालों के बारे में विस्तार से वर्णन है, उनके स्वतंत्र उपयोग, लाभ और दुष्प्रभावों का विस्तृत वर्णन है। 👉सोया और दाल जैसे राजमा,छोले या सफेद चने,  मटर, और तूर दाल – को “भारी” बीन्स के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया जाता है।👉इसका क्या मतलब है?  अगर किसी की  पाचक शक्ति या पंचकग्नि कम है,Continue reading “सोयाबीन,राजमा ,छोले सबके लिये उपयुक्त नही है,क्यों?”

जानिये बकरी के दूध के लाभ और किन स्थितियों में यह गाय के दूध से भी ज्यादा लाभकारी होता है ।

बकरी के दूध के स्वास्थ्य लाभ 🌼आयुर्वेद में दूध का बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण स्थान   है यह आहार के रूप में, तेल और कई औषधियों के निर्माण में ,खनिजों के शुद्धिकरण और   कई औषधियों के साथ अनुपान के रूप में भी दिया  जाता है।🌱 🌼आयुर्वेद में 8 अलग-अलग जानवरों के दूध के फायदे बताए गए हैं।Continue reading “जानिये बकरी के दूध के लाभ और किन स्थितियों में यह गाय के दूध से भी ज्यादा लाभकारी होता है ।”