From which age one can follow ayurveda??

👉 Ayurvedic acharyas explained things couple should do to have good progeny, so application of ayurvedic knowledge starts even before conception of life.

👉 Garbhini paricharya is there ( care during pregnancy) which helps in physical and mental growth of foetus.

👉 Then things are suggested to stay healthy in childhood, adulthood and in old age .

👉 Treatment of diseases appear in various stages of life are advised .

So Ayurveda can be followed before conception till the last breath.

🤔Is Ayurveda just home remedies??

👉Not at all, ayurveda is much evolved science.
👉Like modern medical science it has anatomy, physiology and treatment of diseases. It has specialized branches like medicine, surgery, pediatric, ENT, obstetric, gynecology, toxicology and psychiatry.

👉Ayurvedic texts has vast knowledge about food.
👉It is the only science which knows the importance of preventive health care so Ayurveda suggests many things to prevent physical and mental health problems.

🤔Ayurveda is for India only??

👉Ayu means life and veda means knowledge so this knowledge of life is applicable to where ever life is.

👉Ayurvedic principles are based on nature so they are universally applicable.
👉According to Ayurveda everything is based on panchmahabhut (5 elements)environment, human, health, disease and treatment, nothing is beyond 5 elements,so this makes ayurveda universal.

Knowledge of Ayurveda is not for one region or religion, it is universal .

Published by Dr. Amrita Sharma

I am an ayurvedic practitioner with experience of more than a decade, I have worked with best ayurvedic companies and now with the purpose of reaching out people to make them aware about ayurveda which is not just a system of treatment but a way of living to remain healthy

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