Have Amla or indian gooseberry to prevent early aging!!

🌱Amla is considered as divine or divyauahadhi in Ayurveda as it carries unsurpassed healing restorative powers .

🌱When used in conjunction with dietary and other lifestyle protocols it  can help the body recover from serious diseases, such as cancer and autoimmune diseases.

🌱Amlaki may reduce  risk of chronic disease and prolong healthy life.

🌷Amla means which is sour in taste and amalaki means A – No, mala-toxins, therefore a-mala-ki literally means no malas. .

🌿According to ayurveda Amla has 5 tastes except salt but sour taste is predominant.😃

🌿 It is best anti-aging, rejuvenating and nourishing fruit. 😎

🌿Amla is one of the most used herb🥇 in ayurveda,main ingredient of famous ayurvedic jam Chyawanprash and one of the component of Triphala.

Properties of amla

👉It has 5 rasa ( sweet,sour, pungent, astringent, bitter)

👉It is guru(heavy to digest) and dry in nature.

👉Balance all three Dosha ( vata,pitta, kapha) , very few herb have this quality.All the body types can have it.

👉It is Cold in potency.

👉It is a great source of vitamin C (20 times more then orange) and it doesn’t lose its vitamin C even after heat or drying .

👉It is one of the Most sattvik herb.

🤔Why it is good to take amla then synthetic vitamin C?

👉In synthetically derived Vitamin C, vitamin C is isolated out of the fruit and make it in a lab in a much higher dose, which then will act like a pharmaceutical, which means while it may contribute to  health on one level, it will give also side effects and create toxicity in the liver and kidneys.

👉Amla creates alkalinity once it enters the body, whereas Vitamin C creates lots of acidity which can be tough on the kidneys, in some cases causing kidney stones.

👉 The  Vitamin C molecules of Amla are bound with heat-resistance tannins, therefore they will not decompose under heat like regular ascorbic acid. Most forms of Vitamin C are heat sensitive and become damaged in the acidic environment of the stomach but not vitamin C of amla fruit .

So in place of Vitamin C pill take the Amla fruit , either in a powder, a pill or  Chyawan Prash form.

🌹Health benefits of amla

🌻The amlaberry has numerous health benefits which is why it is so highly prized in India that is each year on amla navmi it is worshipped to express gratitude for all the gifts it provides.

🤔Why it is highly recommended for children?

👉Must give amla to children as it not only prevents colds and flus but it is highly nourishing to the brain and its ability to gather, store and recall information.

People who have very weak digestion and assimilation of nutrients must take amla.

👉Amla maintain healthy digestion, increase digestive fire. Prevent and cure constipation.

🔥We have 13 digestive fires in the body to transform our foods for maximum nutrient absorption and assimilation, and the amla balances and enhances all 13 of these agnis and its astringent taste supports the absorption of food from the intestines into the bloodstream.

👉Amla helps balance the stomach acid as its sour taste supports the normal levels of acid in the stomach while at the same time its sweet post-digestive action ensures no excess acidity, so if have acid reflux, GERD, hiatal hernias and acid stomachs must have amla.

👉Amla makes the liver’s job of filtering toxins from the blood much easier.

Amla is best rasayana or rejuvenator for the lungs.

✅Improve respiratory immunity, strengthen lungs, helps in treatment of asthma, cough, cold and congestion but in combination with other herbs only, Amla can worsen cough and cold as it is cold in potency.

🫁The Chayawan Prash formula of amla is best rasayana or rejuvenator for the lungs because amla supports oxygen exchange in the lungs through supporting normal pH levels in the blood and it facilitates the function of the lungs by increasing oxygen levels in the blood.

✅Good for eyes, improve vision. 👀

✅Improve complexion of skin, moisturize skin , prevent it from bacterial infection, cure itching and burning sensation. 😎

✅ Good for hairs , prevent premature greying.

✅ As it boost calcium absorption so it is good for bones,teeth,nails and hairs. 🦴😁

✅It is a naturally tone muscle by increasing protein synthesis, so athletes and body builder should consume amla instead of unintelligent synthetic amino acid protein powders and channel-clogging smoothies they consume. . 🤸‍♂️⛹️‍♀️

✅Maintain healthy blood sugar level so very beneficial for diabetic person. 🙏

✅ It is good for heart, lower high cholesterol levels, maintain normal blood pressure. 💖

✅Useful in bleeding disorders
It increases hemoglobin and RBC formation🌺

✅ It is useful in urinary tract infection, burning urine. 🔥

✅ It has anti-inflammatory action.

👉Many people have elevated levels of C-reactive protein, which is a marker for inflammation. The alkalinity that the amlaberry provides prevents inflammation and prevents the production of C-reactive protein.

✅ It have antioxidants which slow down aging process and protect internal organs of body ,it improve lifespan of a person. 🦸‍♂️

✅ Improve reproductive health of both men and women,nourishes ovary and sperm. 👍

✅ Maintain healthy menstrual cycle but if someone with less bleeding and late periods should avoid it. 👩

👉Amla is given to new mothers to keep the mother’s milk both pure and free from toxins and nourishing to the baby.
✅It improve voice and good for throat. 🎶
✅It rejuvenate and remove lethargy. 😀

💐Part used

👉In ayurveda all parts of Amla tree is used like it’s leaves, fruit,seed, root,bark and flower.

How to use it??🤔

👉It is always best to use fresh fruit you may consume it as chutney, pickle, juice or can be mix in vegetables and daal. 👌

👉It can be taken in powder form😊
👉Amla candy,Amla murrabba and chywanprash are also good way to use amla. 🤗

✅Amla can be taken whole year. 💯

✅Ready made juice of Amla should not be consumed for long✔️.

✅It’s powder is better than tablet or capsule. 👍

✅It is safe to use in pregnancy, children and during lactation. 🤰

💐Few remedies using Amla

👉Amla powder with honey useful to treat obesity and respiratory issues. 👌
👉Amla juice with giloy juice useful in fever and to improve immunity.
👉 Amla juice with karela juice and turmeric in diabetes. 👍
👉Amla juice with turmeric and dry ginger powder useful in cough and cold. 🤧
👉For grey hair soak it overnight in iron vessel and then apply on hair, leave this mask for45 minutes then wash.
👉 Mix it with coconut oil then boil filter this oil this oil is good for hair growth and greying. 👩
👉Amla powder with ghee help to relieve allergic rhinitis. 🤧
👉 For skin problems it should be consume along with turmeric.
👉Amla with alovera is good for skin, hair. 🌸

🌻Side effects

❌In excess it can cause dryness , diarrhoea and cramps.
❌Avoid it in night. 🌛🌟

Published by Dr. Amrita Sharma

I am an ayurvedic practitioner with experience of more than a decade, I have worked with best ayurvedic companies and now with the purpose of reaching out people to make them aware about ayurveda which is not just a system of treatment but a way of living to remain healthy

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